Friday, July 17, 2009


Through the novel Blindness by Saramago a epic pandemic is shown. The whole pandemic starts from one person suddenly going blind at a stop light and being help back to his home. The blindness turns out to be contagious and pretty soon a whole hospital is filled with blind people. Even then there are others in different isolation places. Blindness shows how people will fight to survive ("survival of the fittest"). While reading Blindness I was traveling to New Jersey to see my grandpa. I began thinking about how people usually think of blindness as not being able to see and being in the dark. However in Blindness the blind people can't see and are in pure white. Once you think about it this could be considered as a comparison between the world and being blind. In the world you aren't able to know what is coming next or what is going to happen a year from now or whenever. We are blind to what is going to happen, or how someone will react. For instance, if you were to pick on someone throughout the years you won't know how much of an effect your words will have on the way s/he lives his or her life (or the decisions she or he will make). Now there are a few different things in my life that I definitely wouldn't think would be happening to my family a year or even a few months ago. I just keep praying that everything will work out okay, whether I think its the best way for things to work out or not. Okay, now thats my talk of Blindness for today. I may type a bit more later. As for now, I'm quite busy.